Welcome to the Seven World Dominion.

At the beginning of time, Ya-Lohim, the Creator, set the worlds of his dominion in the void of space, but he did not develop and people them all at once. Rather, he and his Immortal servants took pleasure in giving them life one at a time.

The first world he developed was Ganedena, given as a dwelling place to his Immortal servants. Ganedena’s three moons he prepared in advance as the resting place for the mortal dead who would live in loyalty to him and to his light.

With the Immortal worlds prepared, he turned his creative attention to the seven mortal worlds. He planned and completed their development in this order: Sek-nar; Luxera; Exalton; Amisi; Kakislane; Merdoma; and Ara.

Enjoy the following description of the first three worlds, Sek-Nar, Luxera, and Exalton, and the fifth world, Kakislane.

Descriptions of the fourth, sixth, and seventh worlds, Amisi, Merdoma, and Ara, will be coming at a later date.






Sek-Nar is a world of austere beauty, desert-like and extremely mountainous. It is a majestic landscape—a fitting setting for the eldest and wisest of all sentient peoples, the dragons. Dragons rule over this small world, and over its other sentient species, the Sal-Enos.

The Sal-Enos are a simple people, humanoid in appearance, though smaller than true humans, wiry and slender from running, well suited to their harsh environment. They are herders and artisans, learning from and serving the dragons.

The two species lived in harmony until the fallen Immortals and their Dark Spinner servants from Luxera (the second world) enticed some of them to follow the shadow rather than the light.



Emblem of the Dragons of Sek-Nar

The dragons of Sek-Nar are as majestic as their world, ruling sky and land alike,

As the peoples of other worlds came into being, they desired to know the dragons—to delight in the wonder of dragons in flight, to look into a golden eye and shudder at its fathomless depth, and to stand amazed under the instruction of this wisest of all creatures.

Yet the dragons remain a mystery, unknowable to all but themselves and their creator.

Since the coming of shadow, the peoples of Sek-Nar live in conflict, the light dragons always studying the worlds and the prophecies to understand how best to bring about Ya-Lohim’s purposes while the dark dragons turn their subtle minds to strategies for disrupting the prophecies and ridding themselves of Ya-Lohim’s restraints.

The light dragons seek the light of their brilliant sun from their homes among the pillared terraces until it is time for them to pass into the sun and transit to the Immortal worlds. The dark dragons drag themselves into the deepest caves they can find and brood there, devising ways to bring the light to destruction. They do not pass into the sun, but end their mortal in life in death as all other species must.

The dragons have no wish to leave their home world, but it is hinted in the prophesies of Exalton (the third world) that at the time of the last battle between light and shadow, the Eldest, ruler over all Sek-Nar, will journey to a far-away world to join those of other peoples in a titanic struggle to preserve the light. Only the dragons know if there is any truth to this prophecy.

Emblem of the Sal-Enos of Sek-Nar

The Sal-Enos are a small, humanoid species, unobtrusive in contrast to the dragons’ arresting appearance. They are most notable for the artistic works they produce. The fame of this artwork reaches across the dominion, though few beyond Sek-Nar have laid eyes on these fabulous artifacts.

The most skilled of the young artisans compete to craft a ceremonial cup for the annual Water Ritual. The cup holds the sacred water sacrifice, offered to Ya-Lohim in thanks and supplication for the gift of water. Each cup is used once and then displayed in a place of honor.

The Sal-Enos who follow the dark dragons craft a similar cup, used in a perverted form of the Water Ritual.

All Sal-Enos study with the dragons and learn a craft, but once they reach young adulthood, only the most talented continue studying or crafting works of art as a full-time occupation. Most live simple lives as herders and gatherers, enjoying the pleasures of family and community life. 

For a more immersive look at Sek-Nar, enjoy the short story, Dragon Light, free when you sign up for Eileen’s monthly newsletter. It’s time for the Eldest dragon to pass into the light, but a dark dragon and his followers are determined to prevent the passing and disrupt an ancient prophecy. Can Set, a golden dragon with growing power, block the dark nemesis, or will an old sweetheart convince him to join the dark dragons instead? 



Luxera is a gentle world, without extremes. It has no tall mountains, saltwater oceans, or large predators. Freezing temperatures are          occasional and confined to the poles. Elsewhere, snow, ice, and high winds are unknown.

The largest geographical features are several large systems of hills that range both north and south from the equator. One               body of fresh water is large enough to be called a sea, and the world is dotted with numerous lakes and rivers of various sizes.

Luxera has no true winter. In most places, the changes of season, from warm to cool and back again, are barely noticeable.               The world is saturated with sunlight, which helps supply the large amounts of energy required by the inhabitants’ physiology.
















With abundant rain, the landscape is lush and fertile. Large forests are interspersed with meadows, and the more open land is blanketed with farms and orchards. The climate allows the farmland to produce two to three crops each year. This bountiful production is crucial to the vegetarian inhabitants with their fast-burning metabolisms.

Provincial towns are generally small to mid-sized and filled with gardens. Luxa City, the only large city, is home to the Luxeran Anti-Shadow Service headquarters and training facility.

Emblem of the Light Spinners of Luxera

Luxera is home to one indigenous species–very tall humanoids with sun-bronzed skin, and hair and eyes of every hue. Their eyes contain flecks in a contrasting color, and these flecks swirl in various patterns, betraying the emotional state of the individual.

Luxerans also exude a personal aura that other Luxerans can detect. They always know when others of their species are in the vicinity.

Luxerans are longer lived than any other Dominion species except dragons, enjoying a natural lifespan of nearly 200 years.

Luxerans have a natural ability to turn themselves into spinning light, or to create spinning light as an extension to their bodies. For this reason, they call themselves Light Spinners and are known by this name throughout the Dominion.

When they translate their bodies completely to light, they can move at light-speed within their own world or through the void from one world to another. Unlike the steady light of stars, Luxeran light can vary in speed, allowing Spinners to travel faster than the speed of a star’s light, or move more slowly, as the situation requires.

Luxerans prefer a simple life and have not appropriated the advanced technology they have encountered among other species in the Dominion. They do, however, have an unparalleled interest in and knowledge of astronomy and interstellar navigation.


Photo Credit: NASA Goddard

Ya-Lohim, the Creator, being in nature more light than flesh and of a form not unlike the spun light of the Luxerans, has a special camaraderie with this species. He meets Light Spinners from time to time at the granite towers in an uninhabited region and dances a glorious dance of spun light with them. All Luxerans who give loyalty to Ya-Lohim hope to join the dance at least once in their lifetimes.

When Ya-Lohim set the Luxerans on their world and taught them to use their Light Spinning abilities, he gave them just one stricture. They were not to spin energy into shadow. At first, they followed this rule carefully and enjoyed long years of life filled with light and joy.

The fallen Immortal, Choshek, had long sought to corrupt and subjugate the mortal beings Ya-Lohim had created. The dragons resisted subversion, and the Sal-Enos followed the dragons’ example. But when Choshek began to whisper to the Light Spinners about the depth and nuance to be found in spun shadow, he found some who listened. Thus, he corrupted the Luxerans, and some of them became Dark Spinners, in rebellion against Ya-Lohim.

Emblem of the Dark Spinners of Luxera

The Dark Spinners took Choshek’s whispers to Sek-Nar and at last managed to convince a few dragons to abandon the light. A group of Sal-Enos followed them into the shadow.

When humans appeared on Exalton, the Dark Spinners took their message of rebellion there as well. It took many centuries to corrupt the humans, but at last they succeeded. At the end of a long civil war, Choshek and his Dark Spinners gained control of that world. Meanwhile, as more worlds were populated, they spread their corruption to each new world.

Dark Spinners seek to subvert the loyalty of all sentient species, all individuals, turning their loyalties away from Ya-Lohim and toward Choshek. Their tools are subtle persuasion and violence in equal measure.

Emblem of the Luxeran Anti-Shadow Agents

The Light Spinners on Luxera, those who remained loyal to Ya-Lohim, were horrified at the defilement their brothers and sisters had spread throughout the Dominion. They vowed to fight the shadow wherever they encounter it and to protect all sentient peoples from further destruction. Thus, the Luxeran Anti-Shadow service was formed.

The Service trains agents to fight Dark Spinners across the Dominion, and has established enclaves on four of the worlds: Sek-nar, Kakislane, Merdoma, and Ara. Both Exalton and Amisi are considered inaccessible and do not have Light Spinner enclaves.


Exalton is a world of contrasts. Of its two indigenous peoples, one, the human species, is strong, aggressive, and embraces advanced technology, while the other, a humanoid speices called the Sashosa, is frail, peace-loving, and rejects all but the most rudimentary technology.

The Sashosa were content to live close to nature, nurturing the land and subsisting as hunter/gatherer/gardeners. They seldom came willingly to the human cities.

Meanwhile, the humans studied physics and engineering from their earliest history and developed marvelous machines, devices, and weapons, bringing into reality whatever they immagined. Their cities became bustling centers of creativity and invention.

The two species had little to do with one another over two thousand years.





































Emblem of the Exalton Humans

The humans of Exalton are highly intelligent and ambitious, possessing a talent for mathematics, science, and technology. They developed sophisticated tools and machines early in their history and reached the skies in flying machines before Exalton’s 2,000th anniverwary (2578 on the Dominion Calendar {DC}). It took them less than 400 years after achieving flight to reach the stars in void ships capable of long-range exploration. They also excelled in medicine, agricultural production, communications, and the manipulation and transmutation of matter.

Their culture flourished, but pride in their accomplishments led to their gradual downfall. They were the first non-Luxerans to listen to the deceptions of the Dark Spinners, believing the whispers about their own superiority. As they began to grasp for power and domination, they became more aware of the Sashosa and discovered that the peaceful people would do little to resist aggression. By 4,000 DC humans had enslaved nearly half the Sashosa population.

The Sashosa are a humanoid species, taller but more slender and less robust than the humans of Exalton. Black eyes and abundant black hair contrasts with pale, almost translucent skin to produce an ethereal beauty that seems other-worldly to members of other species who have glimpsed them moving through the forests.

The Sashosa inhabited the remote areas of Exalton for about 5,000 years. They had no interest in science and technology, but were attuned to the natural world. They lived simply, growing food in large gardens and supplementing their diet by foraging in the forests, fishing, and hunting small game. The knowledge of simple crafts that required only hand tools was passed from generation to generation, changing little over time. The Sashosa never sought or accepted complex machines or electronic devices.

They had a strength and agility suited to their simple life and enjoyed running, climbing in the trees, and paddling their canoes. The rivers and lakes of Exalton’s forested areas were their highways and the canoes their chief mode of transportation. When not traveling the waterways, the Sashosa moved through the forests like mist, silent and swift.


Emblem of the Exalton Sashosa

Though the Sashosans had adequate strength for their rustic life, they were not hardy enough for the tasks the humans set for them. Even those who worked as household servants suffered, both from the work and from being shut away from the forests and rivers they loved, but those who were sent to the factories and mines rarely survived more than a year or two.

Furthermore, the separation from family and community drove their reproductive rate down. As the humans enslaved more of them, their numbers dwindled.

Those who were not conscipted into labor moved deeper into the forests. They became even more secretive and elusive and adopted a semi-nomadic life-style in an attempt to avoid human slave raiders. More than ever, they became like a mist on the wind among the trees, and some of them survived, but their lives became difficult and bitter.


The whispered deceptions of the Dark Spinners became harsh commands as they gained more and more control over large groups of humans. They inflamed their followers with hatred and desire for domination, and the occasional clashes between humans became riots and, finally, all out war.

The Great War lasted a bloody 300 years, during which most of the Sashosa were wiped out and the humans who resisted the shadow were besieged on every side. When it was clear that the Dark Spinners had control of the world, Light Immortals intervened on behalf of the Sashosa, transporting the remnant, a mere 500 individuals, to Amisi, where they could make a new home in peace. The small population of humans still loyal to Ya-Lohim retained control of Exalton’s void ships. The Immortals ushered these people onto the ships and escorted them to Kakislane, where they set up a colony under an uneasy treaty with the indigenous cat clans.

A few loyal humans begged the Immortals for permission to remain on Exalton and build a resistance movement against the Dark Spinners. While technological knowledge declined on most of the world under Dark Spinner rule, the resistance scientists and engineers continued to build on ealier discoveries and improve their technology. They built an underground stronghold and trained agents in espionage and infiltration. Thus began a slow campaign of conversion and recruitment. The Dark Spinners sought their stronghold to destroy them, but in vain.


Though humans spread their cities and technology throughout most of their world, one area proved impervious to their advancement. A stretch of land comprising about ten percent of the world’s land mass is ringed in mountains containing magnetic metals and other elements. These elements combine to neutralize electronic waves, chemical and physical reactions, and any attempt at matter transmutation. Advanced human technology does not work here, and Luxerans cannot touch or form light or shadow. The effect reaches high into the atmosphere, making it impossible for flying machines to pass over or spinners to skim overhead. A void ship can pass over the area beyond the atmosphere, but scanning equipment abourd these vessels does not penetrate the atmosphere.

The area is accessible to anyone who wishes to enter without technology. Inhabitants here walk or ride horses, or use simple conveyances such as wagons and coaches. Mechanical weapons using gunpowder also work along with other simple tools. The inhabitants are hardy souls who wish to escape the control of the world governments, whether human or Dark Spinner. Some Sashosa also took refuge here to escape slavery. They intermarried with humans, creating a unique people with close ties to the land and the hardiness to survive this rugged environment. Along with this mixed race, a number of human groups make their home in this region as well. Periodically, new groups of dissidents lose themselves here, but the population remains small, as only the hardiest thrive this difficult life. The Exalton world government has tried to gain control this area for hundreds of years without success.


Kakislane is a green world, filled with lush forests, meadows, and wetlands. Mountainous regions are thick with spruce, fir, and pine, while lower regions contain hardwood forests or tropical growth. A few areas of canyon land support sparser vegetation, but there are no true deserts. The climate is mild except at the poles and the higher elevations of the mountainous regions, where ice and snow prevail during winter months.

Sentient cats and sentienr owls comprise the indigenous population. The cats organize their society into twelve clans spread out across this large world. The owls are more loosely organized into nestings and prefer to live among some cat clans while avoiding others. A colony of human refugees from Exalton occupies a portion of land ceded by the clans through treaty.

View a map of the Interior of Kakislane here.

Emblem of the Kakislane Cats

The cats of Kakislane divide themselves into twelve clans, differentiated by geographical region, by physical characteristics, and by varied customs, though their cultures are alike in many ways. The clans are proud and independent and in control of their world. They resisted the arrival of the human refugees from Exalton and accepted them only under duress, by the decree of the Immortals who represented Ya-Lohim, ruler of the Dominion.

Two clans—Rock Clan and River Clan—were the most vocal in their unwillingness to accept the humans. However, all the clans are equally stringent concerning adherence to the treaty the Immortals brokered between the clans and the humans. The humans cannot not cross the boundary into clan territory for any reason, and the cats are happy to abduct any human who violates the border.

The treaty allows only Light Spinners, who have an enclave on Kakislane, to cross the borders. This is only allowed when they cross to remove unwanted Dark Spinners from clan territory.

Big Leaf Clan

Big Leaf Clan—holding territory along the west side of the human colony, where there is dense tropical vegetation (jungle-like). The cats of this clan are the largest on Kakislane, along with Sacred Mountain Cats, standing chest high on humans. Dark coloring with darker and lighter stripes, the lighter stripes in shades of rust to orange.

Canyons Clan

Canyons Clan—holding territory on the north side of the human colony. A shy, elusive clan, it is the only border clan that does not openly patrol its border with the human colony. The smallest of the cats, standing only mid-thigh high on an average human adult. Coats are brown with gray and tawny markings.

Deep Valley Clan

Living in a land of mountains, canyons, and deep, wide valleys. On the small side of medium, standing about waist high on an average human. They have bronze coloring and tufted ears. In alliance with Meadow Clan, they have on ongoing territorial feud with Rock Clan, which spills over to River Clan at times. They have a close friendship with several owl nestings.

Forest Clan

Forest Clan—lives in the dense hardwood forests abutting the southeast side of the human colony. Black coloring, unmarked except for gray tail-tips. Tails are almost as long as Snow and Ice clan cats, but not as fluffy. These cats keep a close watch on the human colony and Meadow and Deep Valley Clans, but are rarely seen. They are aided in their watchfulness by the many owl nestings in their territory.

Ice Clan

Ice Clan—Claiming the largest territory, necessary because their land is rocky and barren, pitted with small glaciers. Smaller than average cats, only a little taller than Canyon Clan cats. Fur is streaked and splashed with a mix of white, black, brown, and gray in various hues. Along with Snow Clan, Ice Clan cats have the longest tails, which are thick with fur, appearing fluffy.

Lake Clan

Lake Clan—also called Twenty Lakes Clan. The clan that most enjoys water and swimming. Mottled blue-gray coloring. Of average size.

Marsh Clan

Marsh Clan—Claiming a coastal territory that includes more swamp than marsh. Though they hunt in the swamp, their dennings are located farther inland where the marsh dwindles and the tropical woodland typical of Big Leaf Clan territory becomes dominant. Marsh Clan cats enjoy water, though they wade more than swim, and they like to hunt the birds, reptiles, and amphibians that live in or near shallow water. Coloring is gray or brown, shading to olive.

Meadow Clan

Meadow Clan—claiming the meadows along the east border of the human colony. Tawny coloring, above average size, though not quite as large as Big Leaf or Sacred Mountain cats. They have more contact with members of the colony than any of the clans and have a council rock near one of the human outposts where the two species meet on rare occasions.

River Clan

River Clan—claiming a territory of many rivers and streams. Brown coloring, average size. Will hunt any type of prey, but have a fondness for fish and are skilled fishercats. An ally of Rock Clan, following Rock Clan’s leading in most relationships with other clans.

Rock Clan

Rock Clan—holding a territory of many rocky monoliths, cliffs, and canyons, sparser in vegetation than most parts of Kakislane. Slightly larger than average, though not as large as Meadow and Snow clan cats. Dark gray coloring, often with white markings. Holding enmity for most other clans except River Clan, which they regard as inferior allies.

Sacred Mountain Clan

Sacred Mountain Clan—claim the territory around the sacred mountain. Larger than any cats except Big Leaf Clan, who they equal in height and strength. Pale tawny coloring, shading to white or light gray, these are the only cats with manes. Both male and female have manes, though male manes are much fuller and heavier than female manes. They claim superiority over the other clans by virtue of the Sacred Mountain within their territory, but the other clans rarely recognize this claim.

Snow Clan

Snow Clan—Claiming a large territory in the north polar region. The smallest clan by numbers, but one of the larger cats, equaling Meadow Clan cats for size and strength. White to light gray in coloring. Tails equal Ice Clans for length and fluffiness.

Emblem of the Wellador Colony

The colonist fled Exalton as the last stronghold of resistance to Dark Spinners, Skakeet City, was being razed, its trees cut down, its technology pilfered. Once settled on Kakislane, they built one small city full of gleaming steel and glass buildings as a memorial to Skakeet and a promise to themselves that they would go back one day. Every Wellador citizen looks to New Skakeet City as a symbol of pride and as a promise.

Tucked among the territories of the cat clans, the human Wellador colony is the home of refugees from Exalton.

At the end of the civil war in Exalton, Light Immortals, operating on Ya-Lohim’s commands, instructed those humans who had not given allegiance to the Dark invaders (Dark Spinners and their Dark Immortal masters) to go aboard their void ships and travel to another world. The Light Immortals guided these humans to Kakislane. The Immortals brokered a treaty with the cat clans, giving the humans adequate space and mineral resources to establish a high-tech colony.

The exiles call themselves the Wellador after the captain, Joseph Wellador, who led them through the void and became their first governor. They live peacefully in their colony, carefully observing the rules of the treaty and keeping an uneasy alliance with the Luxeran Light Spinner enclave located in a corner of their territory.

They look forward to returning to Exalton someday, to help the resistance fighters they left behind and reclaim their world for the light. To this end, every colonist is trained in the sciences needed for void travel, resulting in a highly advanced technological society. They also study the prophecies, looking for clues about the time and circumstances that will signal their return to Exalton.

Emblem of the Kakislane Owls

Owls are the third sentient species sharing Kakislane with the cat clans and the human exiles. There are three subspecies.

Members of the largest subspecies, white with dark markings, are about .75 metters long (2.5 feet). with a wingspan of 1.75 meters (5.75 feet) They live mostly in the north and south polar regions and have little to do with the cat clans or the human colony.

Individual of the smallest subspecies are mostly gray, measuring .35 meters long (1.14 feet) with a wingspan of .75 meters (2.5 ft). They live in Big Leaf and Marsh clan territories, where they primarily hunt fish.

Members of the third and most numerous subspecies range across most of the temperate parts of the world, though they avoid Rock and River clan territories. They are gray or brown, sometimes with darker or lighter markings. They average .55 meters long (1.8 feet) with a 1.4 meter wingspan (4.6 feet)

All three subspecies live in loose groups called nestings, but little more is known about their social structure. They are elusive and secretive, but the third subspecies has some dealings with some of the cat clans, which started when cats from Deep Valley Clan aided a nesting that was under attack from Rock Clan. The owls became allies with Deep Valley Clan and several other clans in their perennial war with Rock and River clans. Those clans that enjoy a close relationship with the owls use the swift and silent birds as messengers and spies.

The owls and their cat friends understand each other, though they cannot speak each other’s languages due to different vocal apparatuses. Owls also understand standard speech, but the Wellador exiles and Luxeran Light Spinners have been slow to decode owl language, gathering only a few words or phrases in each human generation. Their efforts are hampered by lack of access, as the owls avoid the highly populated human settlements.

Sonja the Chronicler and the Emblems

Sonja Benjamin, a member of the Wellador colony and a medical technologist by profession, became interested in the prophecies of her people early in her career. Her interest in prophecy and the history of the Dominion strengthened, first,  when she encountered agent Fajora of the Luxera enclave on Kakislane, and, later, when she became friends with Agent Zovala, an unattached trainee in the Luxeran service. Sonja’s friendship with Zovala resulted in her becoming one of the first Wellador to travel beyond Kakislane in 300 years.

As she met new peoples on other worlds and studied the histories and prophecies, Sonja began to write her own account of the Dominion, from the formation and peopling of the first world, Sek-Nar, and on through the founding of societies on all seven worlds. By the end of the age, her work would become the standard, authoritative source for most of the knowledge about the history and projected future of the entire Dominion.

To aid in cataloging her work, Sonja developed emblems for the various worlds and peoples.* These were mostly hand-drawn, an outlet for fun and relaxation, but when Sonja incorporated them into her digital cataloging system, they became known and used across the seven worlds.

*You will find samples of these emblems throughout the descriptions of the seven worlds on this webpage.

Emblem of Sonja the Chronicler

Sonja’s little dog, Bessie, was her constant companion. The two became identified together in all of Sonja’s personal writings. When she contemplated her own emblem, she could not imagine anything more appropriate than one of her many drawings of her dear little friend.